Salary benchmarking & comparison tool
Want to know where your salary sits in comparison to industry averages and your peers?
Our Salary Benchmarking & Comparison Tool will provide you with the most up to date live data for roles across Digital, Marketing, Creative & Tech.
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How it works
As the UK’s leading talent agency across digital, marketing, product and creative, we have a responsibility to help improve representation and reduce pay gaps. Through this online salary benchmarking tool, and our annual Salary Census, we collect demographical and salary information to be able to report on this.
Through education around salary and day rates, we aim to empower our candidates with the knowledge to make informed decisions on their future career and job search.
Currently, as of May 2024, the following pay gaps exist across the Creative Industries:
- The gender pay gap has narrowed in the last 12 months from 15.1% to 10.1% – the lowest level since mandatory reporting came into force in 2018 – however, as twice as many men are in roles paying £100,000+
- Intersectional data from this year’s Census shows that Black males earn £52,250 – the lowest of all ethnicities surveyed
- Those from the LGBTQIA+ community now earn £6,987 less than their heterosexual counterparts = 12% pay gap
- Those who identify with having a disability, neurodiversity or mental health condition are paid 10% less than those who do not. They are also paid 5.4% less in freelancer day rates too.
At Major Players we are committed to closing pay gaps through our Earn Your Worth initiative and championing Fair Pay For All. We know that marginalised groups underplay their salary or day rate – with women averaging 10% less than men when it comes to setting salary expectations. In order to create greater equity, we decided in 2019 to stop asking our candidates to divulge their salary history – as by doing so only perpetuates gender, ethnicity, sexuality, and disability inequality; and allows for unconscious bias to take control.
There is clear evidence which indicates that when making this simple, low-cost change to the hiring process, it can positively impact pay inequality. We encourage businesses and individuals to sign up and commit to Earn Your Worth.